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A small monastic church, built at the southern edge of the village. It is of the single-aisled type with a dome. This style prevailed during the period of Frankish rule. It was probably built in the 16th century. However, some scholars argue that it was built in the 12th century, as a coat of arms of a Frankish family, which is found at the entrance of the church, is the same as that found at the western entrance of the medieval church of the 12th century dedicated to the Virgin Mary of Eleousa.

Much later, a narthex was added to the small church. It is said that there were cells around it where monks lived, who cultivated the fields surrounding the church, making the area lush and green. The chapel functioned as a monastery until the first half of the 19th century. By 1805, the property of the monastery included fifteen “skales” (a local unit of measure) of orchards around the church with two fountains and trees, as well as five hundred “skales” of fields in the land of Petridion towards Empa.

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